BEHIND THE SCREENS is all about creating awareness – Even in the twenty second century, we still have homes/families where people – irrespective of their gender, colour, age, race, nationality – still experience modern day slavery, manipulation, physical or mental abuse and control. Sadly, many are helpless “behind the screens”. It is for these individuals from our Community, Faith groups, Homes and Families that we have put this show together. It is dedicated for those who need to be treated fairly, listened to, given due respect and benevolence. Finally, to survivors, there’s room for rehabilitation and training and above all for a better and peaceful life.

Olusegun Emmanuel is a Certified Project Manager, a Community Leader and the Founder & Director of “The Destiny Curators”
He is passionate about helping people with marred destinies; have their mindsets reprogrammed to rediscover their potentials; assist and aid them in regaining their liberties and live life to the full. This has made him think out of the box to reach out to the victims and survivors of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (DASV)
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